Thursday, January 17, 2008


Anabolic steroids improve male anabolic hormone testosterone. The word anabolic originates from the Greek word anabolic, which means "to build". The hormone's anabolic effect helps the body keep dietary protein, which helps in the development of muscles and strength. These unnatural human growth hormones can be taken in a pill or by injection. It is the desire for a better looking body and increased strength that brings people to the use of steroids.
Steroids in the long run are very harmful to the human body. The hormone causes the decreasing of bone mass and deterioration. Also harming vital organs like the liver. Premature heart attacks and strokes can be an effect of long term use of steroids. Side effects to men can cause feminization to the body. Low sperm count, development of breast and shrinking of the testicles may occur for men. Masculinization which is the opposite of for females may occur as a side effect. Facial hair growing, a deepening of the voice and breast reduction is a possibility for women. Steroids can stop the growth of height in teens. Strong releases of rage and mood swings also come from the use of steroids. The want for more can trigger this rage.
In my mind steroids are for cheaters. People that want an upper advantage and have no respect for those that work hard for their success. Steroids don't belong in sports and something has to done to stop the use of it in sports. First timers that are caught should be suspended for the season, second timers for two seasons and finally the third strike should equal a ban from the sport.

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